I'm enjoying all those lovely days. Lots of sun and spring feelings. I didn't even notice the beautiful blossoms outside. Its really marvellous all those flowers. It got me so exited that I did some gardening, the only flowers we have outside on the balcony are violets, but OK ;) is still was busy for 20 minutes I think! And they look beautiful again.
When we have moved to our new apartment, I will certainly buy some flowers and plants for in the house and outside. I will miss this place for sure.. Because it is a nice street. There is such a relaxed atmosphere.

Todays Outfit
Bag: Vintage (Chanel look-a-like)
Skirt: H&M
Tights: H&M
Socks: ?
Shoes: H&M
Glasses: Superdupervintage
Necklace: a Gift
Oh and at the picture the violets look a bit sad, thats because I did the gardening after those shots ;)
Ik vind grijs met zwart altijd zo'n mooie combi!
En wat een prachtige bloesems!
Ja ik geniet er steeds weer van als ik naar buiten kijk!!
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